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[Closed]HOw to Trace Suppliers Bills and Payments on Quickbooks

There is some times need to Trace suppliers Bills and Payments there easier ways is

  • Go to Supplier Menu
  • Go to Bill Tracker
  • Choose the Supplier
  • Check on bills and Paymants

[Closed]RMS not Positing Batches To Quick books

There  are times when the RMS can refuse tom post batches to Quickbooks this can be due to

  • File configuration Error in RMS
  • Network Connection Issue if it is Remote Server
  • Quick books is not running
  • Supplier not created on Quick books
  • Supplier not Attached on Purchase Orders
  • Wrong Mapping of GL Accounts

[Closed]This collection already contains an address with scheme http. There can be at most one address per scheme in this collection. Parameter name: item

Kindly confirm if the ports 80 and 90 are not binding on the same site onliy one should be used

[Closed}The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

Close 1:

  • Check your network connection
Close 2

Check if the Web Page in that URl has been published

Close 3

Check the website Port binding it might be binding both port 80 and 90 instead of one

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