Introduction to Computing::Syllabus
Chapter 1
Introduction to Information Communication Technology(ICT)
- Elements of Computer System
- Types of Computers
- Evolution of Computers
- Computer peripherals and interface
- uses of computer systems
- impact of ICT in Society
Chapter 2
Computer Hardware
- input devices
- processing devices
- memory
- storage devices
- output devices
- Communication devices
- Components of a computer system
- Primary storage devices secondary storage devices and media
- input/output devices
- communication devices
- selection of computer hardware
Chapter 3
Computer Software
- System software
- application software
- user interface
- Selection of computer software
Computer start up/booting
- Sources of power
- Power protection
- Booting
- BIOS and BIOS setup
Chapter 5
Software Installation
- Installation procedures
- Types of installation
- Installers
- Uninstalling Software
- Configuration
Chapter 6
Keyboard and mouse skills
- types of keyboards
- keyboard layout
- typing skills
- keyboard ergonomics
- Mouse Skills
Chapter 7
Number Systems,Computer arithmetic and set theory
- Computer ccdes (BCD,ASCI and EBCDIC)
- Zoned decimal and packed decimal format
- Number System
- Number systems and Conversions
- Binary Arithmetic
- set and set theory
Chapter 8
Data processing life cycle
- introduction to data processing
- data,input,output and control
- file organization and access
- data collection methods
- data capture methods
- methods of data processing
- data processing systems
- data processing modes
- data hierarchy
Chapter 7
Logic,truth gates and circuits
- Conjunction
- Dis junction
- negation
- proportion and truth tables
- tautologies and contradictions
- logical equivalence
- conditional and bi-conditional statements
- arguments and logical implications
- simplification of logical circuits:Boolean expressions,AND_OR Circuits
Chapter 8
Basic computer Networking
- Networking terms
- components of computer network
- types of computer network
- advantages and disadvantages of networking
- internet use and benefits
Chapter 9
Basic troubleshooting
- Hadware Errors
- Hardware troubleshooting techniques
- Software errors
- hardware troubleshooting tools
- software troubleshooting techniques
- software troubleshooting tools
Chapter 10
Emerging issues and trends
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