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Financial Management Syllabus

Overview of financial management-
·         Nature and scope of finance-
·         Role of finance manager.-
·         Finance functions-
·         Goals of the firm-
·         Agency theory concept, conflicts and resolutions-
·         Measuring managerial performance, compensation and incentives
Source of funds-
·         Factors to consider when selecting source of funds-
·         Long term and short term sources of funds –
·         External and internal sources of funds.-
·         Sources of funds for small business enterprises.
 Financial markets-
·         Nature and role of financial markets-
·         Classifications of financial markets :primary markets and secondary markets; Money market and capital market-
·         The stock exchange listing and cross listing-
·         Market efficiency: Efficient market hypothesis-
·         Stock market indices-
·         The financial institutions and intermediaries-
·         The role of capital market authority-
·         The central depository system (CDS)
Time value of money
·         Concept of time value of money-
·         Compounding techniques-
·         Discounting techniques-
·         Loan a amortization schedule
·         Analyze the sources of finance for an organization Evaluate various investment decision scenarios available to an organization Appraise the performance of a business using financial tools Evaluate the current developments in business financing strategies Formulate the capital structure for a firm Determine the future value of a firm
 Valuation concepts in finance-
·         Concept of value: Market value, book value, replacement value, intrinsic value-
·         Valuation of fixed income securities-
·         Valuation of shares-Valuation of companies-
·         Valuation of unit trusts-
·         Valuation of mutual funds
Cost of capital-
·         The concept and significance of cost of capital-
·         Factors influencing cost of capital-
·         Components costs of capital-
·         Weighted average cost of capital (WACC)-
·         Marginal cost of capital(MCC)-
·         Capital structure and financial risk-
·         Factors influencing capital structure decisions
Capital investment decisions under certainty-
·         Nature of capital investment decisions-
·         Categories of capital projects-
·         Capital budgeting techniques under certainty : Non discounted cash flow techniques(Accounting rate of return(ARR) ,payback period,);discounted cash flow techniques(net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), discounted payback period, and profitability index (PI) ; NPV profile; comparison of the NPV and IRR methods when evaluating independent and mutually exclusive projects; problems associated with each of the evaluation methods-
·         Expected relations among an investment’s NPV, company value, and share price-Determination of cash flows for investment decision-Incremental approach for cash flows estimation-
·         Capital rationing :evaluation of capital projects and determination of the optimal capital project in situations of capital rationing for a single period rationing
Measuring business performance-
·         Users of financial statements and their informational needs. –
·         Nature of financial ratio analysis-
·         Types of financial ratios-
·         Limitations of ratios analysis
·         -Common size statements-
·         Financial planning and forecasting
Working capital management-
·         Introduction to working capital management
·         -Importance of working capital management-
·         Factors affecting working capital needs-
·         The working capital cycle.
·         -Working capital policies
Dividend policy
·         -Forms of dividends-
·         Dividend policies and factors influencing dividend policies-
·         Dividend theories
Islamic finance-
·         Justification for Islamic Finance; history of Islamic finance; capitalism; halal; haram; riba;gharar; usury -Principles underlying Islamic finance : principle of not paying or charging interest, principle of not investing in forbidden items e.g. alcohol, pork, gambling or pornography; ethical investing; moral purchases
·         -The concept of interest (riba) and how returns are made by Islamic financial securities-
·         Sources of finance in Islamic financing: muhabaha, sukuk, musharaka, mudaraba-
·         Types of Islamic financial products: -
·         sharia-compliant products: Islamic investment funds; takafulthe Islamic version of insurance Islamic mortgage ,murabahah, ; Leasing-ijara; safekeeping-
·         Wadiah; sukuk-islamic bonds and securitisation; sovereign sukuk; Islamic investment funds;Joint venture –
·         Musharaka, Islamic banking, Islamic contracts, Islamic treasury products and hedging products, Islamic equity funds; Islamic derivatives-International standardization/regulations of Islamic Finance: Case for standardization using religious and prudential guidance ,National regulators, Islamic Financial Services Board
Emerging issues and trends

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